So what's new?

Nothing much really, but Gerry and I have been continuing on in our Friday Night Fellowship. We missed last Friday due to a slight injury Gerry had suffered on his back. On top of that, we checked out his brother Andy spinning at this club called Sin. Really not my cup of tea or scene, but always good to support the homie! Ironic that Christians were in a location called Sin. LOL.

Nonetheless, new things that I must tend to are that I have invested in a Cajon Bongo drum for FNF. I am not a master at drumming so I need to get my skills up. I hope it works out though because I believe that this Friday Night Bible Study and Fellowship we do, can turn into a music ministry. It's a calling that I believe God has called upon us to do. We love music. Most importantly, we love God. Who can ask for a better combination? We're doing strictly Hillsong songs for now, but hey, who knows, if we can get our skills up, we might actually be able to write our own songs in glorifying God.

On top of that, I've also made an investment in a surfboard! Woot! Yeah, I know, I used to sponge, but hey, it's time to move on to bigger and better things. It doesn't hurt to learn how to surf. Starting off on a Beto Funboard. Pray for me that I don't injure myself learning how to surf. That would be a major bummer.

Alright folks, till next time!

The man can finally live...

After death, MJ can finally live. This dude has been scrutinized, judged, and been made fun of by society in the past decade or so, yet at his end, at his memorial, the very same media is talking about how great of a man he was. The hypocrisy of the media. How it builds and destroys all at the same time.

Forget the haters Michael, I've always been a fan. You were a huge part of my childhood and your music will forever live on. Through it all, you practiced most what Jesus and God has been trying teach us. To love. To love everyone and show compassion for the broken, needy, and the lost. You will forever be missed yet the impact you've left in people's hearts will forever live on through your music and your acts as a humanitarian.

God Bless you.

May you rest in peace.

A Cross?

I was going through Hillsong United's I-Heart Blog and stumbled across this magnificent piece of art by Joel Houston, Worship Leader for Hillsong. Reading it and realizing the real message behind it. Awesome.

Hands down the best album in 2009

Aside from Hillsong United's A_Cross_the_Earth, this album is the best album to release in 09. I may be a little biased since I'm Christain and Hillsong is my favorite Christian worship band, but everything else can take a back seat. That's the truth for me. I've liked a few other albums, but Hillsong Live's 2009 release: Faith+Hope+Love just wraps it up for me. Will be on non-stop play in my truck. Can't wait for my original copy and DVD to come in.

This album officially releases on July 11th, 2009. How I got a leak? God just hooked me up.