The Coffee Shop Ministry Project

Broken into groups of 4, our small group today is branching out to coffee shops and will try to minister and witness to those that are not saved and would like to know more about God.

For me, this is the first time I've really ventured out and tried to witness to strangers. Jae and Lynda, our small group leaders, provided us a question guide that we can follow in regards to discussion. Our point of emphasis in this ministry is to discuss the Lord amongst our group and hopefully someone who is listening will join in.

In a time where a more liberal and democratic government exists, it would be very difficult to actually just walk up to a stranger and try ministering to them without offending them or causing any other type of uneasiness.

So by just a regular discussion of the Lord in the coffee shop, we look to aim and gain interest from those listening. Come on, you know coffee shops, people are always talking, and yes, people are always listening. This could possibly be an interesting way to approach non-believers without directly going to them.

I'm really excited to do this tonight. I experienced my first homeless ministry with my small group and I absolutely loved it. The feeling of helping those who have nothing and downtrodden really humbled my heart and soul. To hear some of their stories were amazing also. Granted, not all of them were very understanding and were demanding food and gave some attitude, but that's just a product of bitterness and frustration in which all we could do, is pray for them.

Father God, tonight, I hope that you empower RJ, Gerry, my sister, and I as we go about amongst the world and spread your word. May you protect us from those who judge us in our faith in you, but we pray that you may humble and soften their heart so that they may give us their ears for us to minister your word.

For you said, Mark 6:11, "And whoever will not receive you nor hear you, when you depart from there, shake off the dust under your feet as testimony against them. Assuredly, I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gamorrah in the day of judgement than for that city."

For we pray this in Jesus' most precious name,
