Heeding the call...

Over the past month or so, there's a calling that's been weighing heavy on my heart and I want to answer it. It's a call from the Lord. Most of my entire life I've always seeked and longed for a purpose on this earth. After much prayer and thinking, I've decided to follow through with my dream and my Lord's calling of wanting to become a youth pastor.

Talking to one of my best friends, Gerry, I've prayed on this heavily and have thought about it a lot. I've also discussed this a lot with my family as well. So after this semester, I'm looking to enroll into the Horizon College and get a degree in theological studies or whatever degree I need to achieve and fulfill my purpose as a Youth Pastor.

I've always considered myself as a humble man and I trust in the Lord that he will provide for me regardless if it isn't heavy on the monetary side. I feel that I will be fulfilled in serving God and ministering to the Youth and teaching the Lord's word in helping guide them through life as we await the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. At my young age, I was always searching for answers. Searching for an identity. Soul searching. I thought that I could enlighten myself by reading self help books or books in regards to wisdom and knowledge with respect to philosophy. Never in my life would I know that I would find all the answers in the Living Word. Our Holy Bible.

All the answers to life's questions. All the truth. All the Wisdom. Is held in there. Amazing, for all that time at a young age, I was searching, when everything I was looking for was in front of my face the whole entire time. It was fate by the Lord that I found it there.

That's why I want to reach out and help minister to the Youth. So that instead of searching for answers somewhere else, I can help lead them to God and find the answers in his Word.

God Bless you all.