Desperate Fap Time

Geez finally...
Well, I woke up this morning and got to view the 3 videos that will get me by through class and work when I'm more bored than shit during this tough last quarter of the year.
Kellen James and the rest of the SK8MAFIA dudes are motherfucking ill. Especially with the vids showing them cutting up The Berrics. Unlike that faggot ass dance group super crew who completely ripped off SK8MAFIA for their gang sign. The Berrics is Eric Koston and Steve Berra's private skate park. That's pretty dope that SK8MAFIA is being featured on The Berrics. PROPS!
I'm pretty sure I'm going to be adding more videos such as some Maria Ozawa videos for those late night personal me-time jumpoffs.
So uncool...
I stayed home all day watching college football. Actually, I didn't stay home all day because I had an eye exam earlier this morning to get my new glasses. I'm going back to being that uncool nerd that I used to look like in high school. Glasses, comic books, anime, video games, skateboarding, hip hop, punk rock, and tall flag girls.
So here's some pictures from where I was laying in bed watching college football in HD. Shit is awesome when you got HD in your room.
I would have took pictures of the USC vs. Virginia game but I didn't realize that I was making a new blog and didn't dumb down to take a picture of a fucking college football game to post on my blog to show what I fucking did for the day.
Maybe I'll try and be hip and go to the poppin' spots tonight like Modus and U-31. Heard that shit is going to be on fire. Maybe I can be seen. Actually, it doesn't sound half bad to go peep out Dash Eye from Tribe of Kings spin. Dude always spins the dope ass Roots Reggae.

Here's to you!
Well, I started up this new blog just to talk shit and post pictures like how some of you new bloggers have bastardized the writing culture. All you guys do is fucking post pictures of what you did that day and show how fucking cool you are. So I figured, dude, why the fuck have I been writing in a blog for almost 5 years? Writing and reading isn't cool.
So, here's my trendoid tippy blog. I mean fuck, I have my OG one that I'll continue to write in.
But this one, is for you guys. To all you cool folk out there. To all you trendy people out there. Let's all brag together now!
This is my social experimentation for the fall. To see what it feels like to be a tippy.