He's back!

Welcome back to Philly AI. I wish the best for you and that you're able to be the AI that we all admired killin' it in Philly.

Surgical Gloves

This video is on hit just like the album was. Easily the best hip hop album of 2009. Very underrated.


Hi-Jynx Music Monday Mixtape

#NT artists continue to drop the dopest mixtapes. Here's one from Hi-Jynx. Dude's style is definitely something that I'm feeling. His version of Killin' really took Wale's Chillin to another level. Heck, I personally think he ripped it better than Wale did. Just sayin'. The track that really stands out to me though is his joint, Jordans & A Gold Chain, which he did with another fellow #NTer, G.O.D. Jewels. The song is definitely on it's own level, especially being fellow #NTers. I'm sure a quite a few of you Jordan fans and sneakerheads can appreciate this dope track.

But do yourself a favor, and download this mixtape. Stray away from the norm for once and check out these artists who are putting out great music. I sure did, and I'm enjoying every joint off of it.

Download here: http://www.4shared.com/file/157715619/3d2898d4/Hi-Jynx_Presents__Music_Monday.html?err=no-sess

A long time coming...

I can't recall the last time I actually took the time to post a blog, let alone write anything down. After a long hiatus, I've decided to come back and start writing again. As far as I've been, been doing a lot of school work. I'm a full time student this semester, and to say the least, it's been fun and stressful all at the same time. Last time I was a full time student would have to be my Fall 2001 semester at SDSU which I really didn't do quite well in leading me to get thrown out via academic probation.

Well, another main reason why I've wanted to start writing again is mainly due to the fact that I'm turning 28 this coming Thursday. I'm getting old. I swear, I started blogging back in 2003 or so. Reflecting on my old blogs and how much I've grown in 6 years has just put me in a sentimental mood and has caused me to look to what my future is going to be.

There's been a lot on my mind, especially in regards to my future. I've been heavily thinking about enlisting in the military. Don't get me wrong, the goal is to finish school, but I just feel, in regards to a financial situation and also having a foundation as an adult, I know that the Navy would be able to help me get to where I want to be. Last time I thought about joining the Navy was back in 2004. My mother wouldn't let me do it at all. I still remember her crying telling me to just finish school first.

Fast forward 5 years later, I think it would be best for me to go ahead and make this decision in enlisting. I still have to have a serious discussion with my parents about it, but I just want to give them a heads up and let them know how I feel. I don't have a girlfriend. I don't have any kids. I'm getting older and nothing isn't really rolling the way I want it to. Don't get me wrong, the wheels are turning but I'm just not satisfied as where I want to be in regards to progress. I'm going to miss my family and friends dearly in San Diego, but I just feel that I need to get out and experience the world for myself. To get out of this box, and live a life that God has designed for me.

My blogs have always been set up from a writing perspective and a deeper look into who I really am as a person rather than just a twitter whore or some other type of social network media geek.
Like all my friends know, my blog is the best way to understand who I really am and how I think. I'm not one to really tell people publicly how I feel. I keep a facade and put up a front really well. It's a gift as a scorpio that we're really known for.

So here's the return of the blog! Hello everyone! I'm back!


This blog is going to have a major overhaul content wise. I know it's been a while since I last blogged but stay tuned...

Peep game...

Big ups to my NT familia. Here's my dude Hi Jynx with his joint, Stress.

Peep it out. You will not be disappointed. 100% Trust.

Download here: http://usershare.net/ocp6cbxqzhbf

Do yourself a favor...

Seriously, if you haven't bought this album, you need to. Sure, I've got a leaked copy, but there's nothing stopping me from buying a hard copy to support. This is what hip hop needed. I'm not going to knock Jay-Z's Blueprint 3 too hard because that was a pretty solid album. Didn't necessarily knock me out of my shoes like OB4CL2 did, but it was solid.

But when you compare the two, it's like comparing The Godfather to the Jonas Brothers, it's that hard in my opinion. This album pretty much took the elements of Only Built 4 Cuban Linx and was fused with 2009. Raekwon didn't have to sacrifice or change up his sound just to suit this generation's culture of hip hop. He kept it original yet fresh.

Thank you Raekwon. Thank you Rza. Thank you Wu-tang.

Only less than a month away...

NBA 2K10 is about to take over the video game basketball sports world once again. Gracing the cover this year is Kobe Bryant. All Lakers and Kobe fans rejoice! Our boy is on the cover and we're starting our title defense. Releases October 6, 2009. I can't help but be excited.

Here's a trailer featuring no one other than the Lakers' fearless leader...


I don't do this often, but I got to support my Niketalk familia. The Boy Illinos: Inhale Part 2: Loyalty Before The Love. Download it. You will not be disappointed. Trust. It ain't that garbage them kids on the streets try to sell you asking you if you listen to rap.

Download here: http://www.divshare.com/download/launch/8433281-0c5

We are...

There is love that came for us
Humbled to a sinner's cross you broke my shame and sinfuless you rose again victorious

Faithfulness none can deny through the storm and through the fire there is truth that sets me free Jesus Christ who lives in me

You are stronger you are stronger
Sin is broken you have saved me it is written Christ is risen Jesus you are Lord of all

No beginning and no end You're my hope and my defense you came to seek and save the lost you paid it all upon the cross

So let your name be lifted higher
Be lifted higher be lifted higher

So what's new?

Nothing much really, but Gerry and I have been continuing on in our Friday Night Fellowship. We missed last Friday due to a slight injury Gerry had suffered on his back. On top of that, we checked out his brother Andy spinning at this club called Sin. Really not my cup of tea or scene, but always good to support the homie! Ironic that Christians were in a location called Sin. LOL.

Nonetheless, new things that I must tend to are that I have invested in a Cajon Bongo drum for FNF. I am not a master at drumming so I need to get my skills up. I hope it works out though because I believe that this Friday Night Bible Study and Fellowship we do, can turn into a music ministry. It's a calling that I believe God has called upon us to do. We love music. Most importantly, we love God. Who can ask for a better combination? We're doing strictly Hillsong songs for now, but hey, who knows, if we can get our skills up, we might actually be able to write our own songs in glorifying God.

On top of that, I've also made an investment in a surfboard! Woot! Yeah, I know, I used to sponge, but hey, it's time to move on to bigger and better things. It doesn't hurt to learn how to surf. Starting off on a Beto Funboard. Pray for me that I don't injure myself learning how to surf. That would be a major bummer.

Alright folks, till next time!

The man can finally live...

After death, MJ can finally live. This dude has been scrutinized, judged, and been made fun of by society in the past decade or so, yet at his end, at his memorial, the very same media is talking about how great of a man he was. The hypocrisy of the media. How it builds and destroys all at the same time.

Forget the haters Michael, I've always been a fan. You were a huge part of my childhood and your music will forever live on. Through it all, you practiced most what Jesus and God has been trying teach us. To love. To love everyone and show compassion for the broken, needy, and the lost. You will forever be missed yet the impact you've left in people's hearts will forever live on through your music and your acts as a humanitarian.

God Bless you.

May you rest in peace.

A Cross?

I was going through Hillsong United's I-Heart Blog and stumbled across this magnificent piece of art by Joel Houston, Worship Leader for Hillsong. Reading it and realizing the real message behind it. Awesome.

Hands down the best album in 2009

Aside from Hillsong United's A_Cross_the_Earth, this album is the best album to release in 09. I may be a little biased since I'm Christain and Hillsong is my favorite Christian worship band, but everything else can take a back seat. That's the truth for me. I've liked a few other albums, but Hillsong Live's 2009 release: Faith+Hope+Love just wraps it up for me. Will be on non-stop play in my truck. Can't wait for my original copy and DVD to come in.

This album officially releases on July 11th, 2009. How I got a leak? God just hooked me up.

Check it out!

So I finally started on my new sports blog.

All my sports related entries will now be written there.

I'm really excited about that blog because I love to write and I love to talk about sports. Put those two together and you get...


Read on!

Awesome night!

Well, all I can say is success.

We started the night off reading from the Book of Romans. Had a discussion in regards to the first chapter and how it applied to our lives as Christians and what's going on in the world today.

We then listened to some Hillsong songs and then headed off to the Otay In-N-Out. We got our grub on and headed back to my house where we did the unthinkable. We decided to make some music. With Gerry behind the guitar and Jason and I at vocals, we covered a few Hillsong songs. Ok, we aren't the greatest singers in the world but we tried and did it all to glorify God.

Out of all the tracks so far, Mighty to Save with me and Gerry came out the best. Best believe we'll be back at it again next Friday. Tonight, Friday Night Fellowship was born. We need a drummer and chick singer? Care to join?

Friday Night Fellowship - Mighty to Save

Mighty to Save by Friday Night Fellowship | Upload Music

Tonight's the night...

Tonight we start our Friday Night Fellowship. Jason is going to be bringing along his brother Brandon. I really hope and pray this fellowship holds up. If we let ourselves falter and fall to the hands of glorifying sin then I'm a failure and a lukewarm Christian. I'd rather not know God at all and be cold than to be lukewarm.

I trust in God that we'll go through the awesome Book of Romans tonight and he'll lead us into a great night of fellowship.

Over and out!


Wow, I can't believe it's been forever since I've last blogged. Well, just to catch up on things, the past few months I've been really caught up in the world. Going out a lot on the weekends and drinking a lot. Drinking isn't a sin, but the actions from it are. Let's be serious here, I was being a very lukewarm Christian by being caught up like that.

Well, this past Tuesday, a best friend of mine, Jason, attended our Tuesday Bible study with us. He completely felt at home and suddenly became on fire for God. Gerry and I have been praying for him for a while for him to come back to the Lord. He's a Christian who just lost his way and was scared to come back. I pray that he sticks with this as he continues to re-strengthen his walk with the Lord.

This Friday, Gerry, Jason, and I are starting an alternative to typical Friday weekend nights. Rather than going out and partying and drinking, we're going to get together and study the word of the Lord, starting with The Book of Romans. It's a fellowship for us Twenty Something year olds. Aside from studying, we'll be practicing our music skills playing on the guitar, which I seriously need to stop putting off, and going out to dinner and whatever comes after.

I pray that God works through us and that we're able to bring more people in. It's a ministry that I feel God has spoken for us to do. To help fellow Christian Brothers/Sisters break free from the standard lifestyle of the world. Rather than going to the bars and glorifying sin, why don't you come join us and glorify God on a Friday night instead? Break free from it. Show the Devil that he doesn't have a hold on you. Let's get this revival going!

2 Timothy 3:1-5

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

BREAK FREE FROM IT!!! If you're a Christian and your circle of friends consist of what was described, get away from them and surround yourself with those like you. Don't let the Devil hold you down.

Here's a song from Hillsong United that I'll leave you with.


Just breathe in and just imagine the Holy Spirit working through this wonderful night of worship last night with Hillsong United in SD.

I'm still amazed at the power of God. How can you not believe in God? All of the people in this building all carry some sort of brokeness, pain, and whatever else it may be and also at different degrees. Yet, we all are crazy enough to have faith and believe that our God saves and delivers us when we need him the most, and indeed he does.

Tap into that inner...

Norrie says that girls love a$$holes and thinks that I can be an a$$hole if I wanted to. She tells me that I need to stop being a pushover. Wow, that was definitely a kick in the balls. I think I'm going to take her advice and tap into that inner a$$hole and see where that takes me. Always a good time when she comes down and kicks it. I heart Norrie!

Going to try being an a$$hole for a week or two. Locked in. Let's go!!!

Nike SB Tour Mexico, Chile, and China

Video is up on the Nike SB site. I thought this was pretty ill.

Peep it.

In order to be truly blessed, you must be broken...

It's just in reference when we accept communion and the true meaning behind the act of the blessing and the breaking of the bread.

Mark 14:22
As they were eating, Jesus took the bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them and said, "Take, eat, this is My body."

Meaning, the breaking of his (Jesus) body being broken and dispersing it to his disciples blessing them with the covenant of what his broken body and his dying will mean.

So when we're broken, we take part and understand the blessing of why Jesus died for our sins establishing the new covenant with God and us.

The Coffee Shop Ministry Project

Broken into groups of 4, our small group today is branching out to coffee shops and will try to minister and witness to those that are not saved and would like to know more about God.

For me, this is the first time I've really ventured out and tried to witness to strangers. Jae and Lynda, our small group leaders, provided us a question guide that we can follow in regards to discussion. Our point of emphasis in this ministry is to discuss the Lord amongst our group and hopefully someone who is listening will join in.

In a time where a more liberal and democratic government exists, it would be very difficult to actually just walk up to a stranger and try ministering to them without offending them or causing any other type of uneasiness.

So by just a regular discussion of the Lord in the coffee shop, we look to aim and gain interest from those listening. Come on, you know coffee shops, people are always talking, and yes, people are always listening. This could possibly be an interesting way to approach non-believers without directly going to them.

I'm really excited to do this tonight. I experienced my first homeless ministry with my small group and I absolutely loved it. The feeling of helping those who have nothing and downtrodden really humbled my heart and soul. To hear some of their stories were amazing also. Granted, not all of them were very understanding and were demanding food and gave some attitude, but that's just a product of bitterness and frustration in which all we could do, is pray for them.

Father God, tonight, I hope that you empower RJ, Gerry, my sister, and I as we go about amongst the world and spread your word. May you protect us from those who judge us in our faith in you, but we pray that you may humble and soften their heart so that they may give us their ears for us to minister your word.

For you said, Mark 6:11, "And whoever will not receive you nor hear you, when you depart from there, shake off the dust under your feet as testimony against them. Assuredly, I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gamorrah in the day of judgement than for that city."

For we pray this in Jesus' most precious name,


I'm in love...

With Brooke Fraser. LOL. I know as a Christian, we shouldn't covet our neighbor's wife. Well actually, I'm not coveting her, I'm just so mesmerized and infatuated by her. She's a great musician, blessed in writing lyrics, playing the piano and guitar, and she's absolutely beautiful. Not to mention, she's one of the lead worship leaders for Hillsong and Hillsong United.

Nonetheless, here's a song called Without You from her album What to do with Daylight.


Heeding the call...

Over the past month or so, there's a calling that's been weighing heavy on my heart and I want to answer it. It's a call from the Lord. Most of my entire life I've always seeked and longed for a purpose on this earth. After much prayer and thinking, I've decided to follow through with my dream and my Lord's calling of wanting to become a youth pastor.

Talking to one of my best friends, Gerry, I've prayed on this heavily and have thought about it a lot. I've also discussed this a lot with my family as well. So after this semester, I'm looking to enroll into the Horizon College and get a degree in theological studies or whatever degree I need to achieve and fulfill my purpose as a Youth Pastor.

I've always considered myself as a humble man and I trust in the Lord that he will provide for me regardless if it isn't heavy on the monetary side. I feel that I will be fulfilled in serving God and ministering to the Youth and teaching the Lord's word in helping guide them through life as we await the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. At my young age, I was always searching for answers. Searching for an identity. Soul searching. I thought that I could enlighten myself by reading self help books or books in regards to wisdom and knowledge with respect to philosophy. Never in my life would I know that I would find all the answers in the Living Word. Our Holy Bible.

All the answers to life's questions. All the truth. All the Wisdom. Is held in there. Amazing, for all that time at a young age, I was searching, when everything I was looking for was in front of my face the whole entire time. It was fate by the Lord that I found it there.

That's why I want to reach out and help minister to the Youth. So that instead of searching for answers somewhere else, I can help lead them to God and find the answers in his Word.

God Bless you all.

25 Random Things About Me

I did this list on Facebook last week and I've decided to post it on here for who knows why. I thought it was pretty interesting and something I'd like to share with those that frequent my blog which I haven't wrote on in a while.

Hopefully you guys can learn more about who I am as a person now.

1. I've lost two Uncles and two Aunts in a year and also in the month of February. I've grown a certain phobia towards this month.

2. I gave my life to Christ and was born again on the same day of the 2005 Super Bowl. But I began strengthening my walk with God this past summer.

3. I really want to become a Youth Pastor. I feel that it's my calling in life. The size of the paycheck really doesn't bother me at all. As long as I'm leading the youth to Christ or others, I'm content.

4. I have been buying and collecting basketball shoes since high school religiously. Since 1997. Yeah, I need to kick the habit.

5. I love the Lakers and basketball. Over any other sport and team. Then come the Padres and baseball. And yes, I loathe the Chargers but only have somewhat of a respect for them still because my Uncle Fred loved them.

6. I still read comic books.

7. I'm a sucker for girls that wear glasses. I don't know why, but I just am. Oh yeah, and smart ones at that. I swear, an intelligent mind on a woman is very sexy in my humble opinion.

8. I am very grateful to have been blessed with a small group who has helped me strengthen my walk with God. I love my brothers and sisters in Christ. You guys know who you are.

9. Like Lynda said, I'm also a firm believer that the end of days will happen in our lifetime. I'm also a believer that the steps to it our developing right before our very eyes.

10. Even though my sister and I fight a lot, I love her very much.

11. I hate smoking cigarettes. I've tried numerous times to quit. But I just can't. Then again, I've controlled myself to only when I drink heavily, which I need to kick also, and stressing out.

12. I read my Bible every day. When I wake up, I say a prayer in bed, and then read my Bible in bed before doing anything else. The Lord's word is a good way to find guidance in starting your day!

13. I'm narrow minded and I'm not a big fan of the Katinas. I mean, they sing and lead great worship, but it's just not my thing. I just don't dig the worship at The Rock. I prefer Calvary Chapel worship better. Horizon Christian Fellowship worship FTW!!! Also, I love Hillsong!!! They are truly blessed with the gift of music and leading worship in the name of God.

14. I go to sleep watching movies. It's a bad habit of mine because I shouldn't be leaving my systems on and the TV on all night. I need to make the Sleep Timer more useful.

15. I love First Person Shooter Games. COD4 and Halo 3 FTW!!!!

16. I know that Magic Johnson is the Greatest Of All Time. Yes, over Michael Jordan. I just say Michael Jordan is to others to save the argument. I also think Lebron James will be better than Kobe Bryant, and I'm a big Kobe fan.

17. I shouldn't think this way but it has crossed my mind a lot. I think there's a lot of non-legit Christians out there who use the idea of being saved and say they go to a certain church and all that to simply fall in line and believe that they're somewhat doing good, yet, in the end, they're not obeying or at least trying to follow God's word. They pick and choose in the Bible what's suitable and adheres to their life style, yet completely ignore all the sin they're committing in their life. I'm not perfect either and I know I'm a hypocrite for saying that, but still, I'm just being honest.

18. I love to grill. Steak. Chicken. Whatever. I love it.

19. I'm an impulse buyer but I've learned to control that somewhat and only buy what I need. You know, the new colorway of the Zoom Kobe IV is coming out this Saturday? LOL.

20. I love Disneyland and Disney Animated Films. Timeless and Classic.

21. I used to think I had life down to a science when I was reading Philosophy books and Self Help books. Little did I know, the answers to life's questions are all in the Holy Bible. Truth.

22. Excuse my language, but I think the book, The Secret, is the biggest crock of !@#$ in the world. Wow, what a joke.

23. Yes, I'm really 27. I know I look like I'm 18. I've found the fountain of youth. It's in Calrose Rice!

24. I'm learning to play the guitar and I suck at it.

25. My shoes always have to match my shirt or the hat I'm wearing.

Exploring my options...

So last night at the bowling alley, Rodney, Leanne, and myself were sharing what applications we had on our G1 phones. Well, as I was going through the Android Marketplace I noticed a blogger application! Freaking sweet! Now I can post blogs from my phone. I already have a blast updating my tweets on my Twitter via Twidroid.

Expect more blogs via my phone. I have to maximize my options here so I can work on my writing.

Super Absurd Durex Ad...

This is absolutely hilarious!

There's just something completely wrong about one scene though. SMH.

Lakai Final Flare Animated Outtakes...

So my favorite skate vid of all time had an animated outtake video done. It was actually for a contest for an edit and the winner was an animated short done by a dude named Cosme. A very innovated video. I love it. Props!

New Kobe Viral Commercial vol. ZKIV


I love it.

Absolutely absurd and hilarious.