So ready to geek out for Fall 09...

With Gears of Wars 2 releasing next month on the 7th, I thought that would be the game that I would be so amped for. Well, in Fall of 09 an expansion set featuring a complete new campaign and multiplayer is dropping. Yes, Halo 3: Recon. A couple of weeks ago, Bungie released a teaser trailer in regards to this game. No one knew what it was but it was labeled Halo 3: Recon. Turns out this game is another first person shooter but in the eyes of the ODST special ops soldiers rather than good ol' Master Chief. It's pretty much a pre-quel setting up Halo 3 when Master Chief arrives on Earth to kick butt. This may also fall in line with the Halo movie shorts that were released prior to Halo 3 dropping last November. If anyone recalls, the ODST soldiers were featured in those shorts.

Being the geek that I am and being a Halo fan, I am super pumped for this and cannot wait. I suppose NBA 2K9 and Gears of Wars 2 will will suffice until then. Funny thing is, I was never a big Halo fan until the little homie introduced me to it about a year or so ago. I on the other hand introduced him to Gears of War. Well, after all that's gone on I've truly become a huge Halo groupie, and I have to add, this time around, I really think I could take the little homie if I were ever to play him in Halo again. Nonetheless, I hope he's doing well and doing his thang. Well, my friends, I present to you, Halo 3: Recon.