Small group, bigger picture...

Today is my first meeting with a small group for church. Gerry and I will be attending. My sister was supposed to go with us but she has to take Dee Bee to his weekly appointment. My sister's friend Wana is leading this small group. Pretty much, a small group is a weekly Bible study group that meets up and discusses the word and gives an opportunity for Christians to grow as better Christian individuals.

Gerry and I have been planning on doing this for quite some time. We've always talked about it and really could never find a small group through Horizon Christian Fellowship closer to our area. Although this small group belongs to The Rock church, we're still attending regardless if we go to a different church.

I'm not going to lie. I'm a little scared on meeting new people in regards to sharing my faith. I usually find comfort with people that I know, but yet I'm eager and scared at the same time in attending this small group today. This is the first step I make in growing as a Christian and hopefully in my goal to become a youth pastor in the future.

Celebrate who you really are...

Calling all Filipinos in SD. On the real, celebrate your culture and honor your heritage. A friendly invitation to go here! I'll be there fa sho! It's on October 4th from 11am to 6pm in Eastside. My bad, I meant Paradise Hills. You know, the hood! 92139 stand up! Between Gilmartin and Woodman. See you there! And if it's any incentive, Bambu will be performing as well.

Tayo na mga kababayan! Mabuhay!

This one is for my fellow Star Wars fans...

I had to share this picture for all my fellow Star Wars nerds out there. Here's a picture that was done in regards to a mashup of Shepard Fairey's Obama Hope Poster and Star Wars. Awesome in my opinion. Totally brings the geek out of me. I also like how the Rebel Alliance logo is used over the Obama logo. Awesome artwork mashup! Good idea. Kudos to the artist who did this!

Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks

I stumbled upon this article via Digg. An awesome article showing 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks from across the world. This is for those that appreciate art as much as I do. Although graffiti is tied into the hip hop culture, as an artist, it's just a work of art and shows off the creativity of the artist. There are some beautiful pieces posted in this article! Take a look. I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I did.

read more | digg story

How to get a girl...

Oh man, this is freaking hilarious.


A safe trip for my brother Bodizzl

So this morning my sister's boyfriend Bodhen left for his two month excursion of Asia. He won't be coming back until late November. I think it's pretty dope that he's taking a trip to Asia to just get away and travel for two months. There are times where I just want to get the heck out of San Diego for two months and just see what's out there instead of this same old city.

Don't get me wrong. I love San Diego. I love my family. I love my friends.  I love the weather. I'm just sick of the same old sh*t though. It's the same thing. I just need to get out and just experience different things. I dunno, maybe I'm just complaining. Whatever.

Anyhow, I'd just like to wish my brother a safe trip while he's out in Asia. I checked up on my sister this morning when I woke up, just after she dropped him off at the airport. I know she's going to have a tough time being without him since he's been living with us. I know DeeBee is going to miss him as well since he joins us whenever me and Bodhen are smoking a cigarette. Crazy ass dog. Haha. It's only going to be a full two months but I just want to make sure that my sister will be ok. She really loves him and I'm happy for her. I know he really loves her as well. I remember when he and I were just chillin out and talking and he was telling me that the only real thing that mattered to him was making sure that my sister was happy. He put his happiness second just to make my sister happy. I commend him for that and respect him for that, which is why I accept him like my blood as does the rest of my family. My parents treat him like he was their own son.

So to my niggs Bodhen, be safe out there brother. I'll keep an eye for my sister and Nigga Deebs while you're gone. See you in November Blood. 

"...and like I said, the queen ain’t no bitch. She got all the moves."

As of late, I've been recently hooked on this show called The Wire. The series just recently ended and from what all my friends on Niketalk and the homies have been telling me, the show is off the chain and genius. Two days ago I finally decided to get up on that piece since news was brought up that the 5 season DVD set was going to be released in December for $240.00. Good grief, $240? So I found a site online that has all the episodes up for each season and I began my addiction to this show called The Wire. I'm not going to go into detail about that show because it's just something you have to experience for yourself. I can't believe I've put it off for so long in watching this show.

So last night before I went out to the Bambu show over at Kava Lounge I caught the 4th episode of season 1 called The Buys. There's this scene where D'Angelo Barksdale is teaching Wallace and Bodie how to play chess. I have to say that segment in the show was remarkable. The way D just used the game of chess as an anology of life was on some real type of sh*t. Not only that, but it was a deep insight as to who D is as a character in the show. Effin' Awesome!

My rookie of the year candidates....

So far, my rookie of the year candidates for the NFL 08 season are Darren "D-Dawg" McFadden and DeSean Jackson.

After Fargas went down with the groin injury against the Chiefs, the McFadden era began. This savage had 21 touches with a 164 yards and a touchdown. As long as he gets more touches and that Raiders' o-line holds up. This kid will beast. The Nation has got to be pumped for this guy.

Next up, my dude from Cal. DeSean Jackson. Dude has had two consective weeks of 100+ yards receiving. He could have had his first NFL career touchdown against the Cowboys, but due to an early rookie move celebration, dude threw the ball before he crossed the plain and started his dance. Luckily his ass got saved and the refs put the ball on the 1 with an Eagles possession. This kid is amazingly fast and I'm really impressed with the amount of yards he's putting up in only two games. He's got tremendous upside as long as he just keeps his head on straight and doesn't do something idiotic with the premature celebration again. Word to his Army All-American Bowl game where he jumped way too early before the goal line putting the ball back on the one. Nonetheless, McNabb may have found his new favorite target. Word to that. I really regret not selecting DeSean in my fantasy league because dude is killin'.

Absolute Genius!!!

As some may know I am a huge fan of Lost. Recently, another show premiered on Fox called Fringe. Fringe is another show produced by J.J. Abrams, the man who brought you Lost and Alias. Yesterday was the second episode of this show and all I have to say is that it is magnificent. J.J. Abrams does it again. His subtle use of images and the similar eerie sound right before a commercial break makes Lost fans fall into this awesome show.

With the show starring Joshua Jackson, from Mighty Ducks and Dawson's Creek fame, I thought that this show would fail. But after watching the pilot and the second episode I am clearly blown away. The show mainly deals with a crazy plot with a devious company working in the background like Lost. But here's the catch, it's somewhat similar to X-Files but they deal with science and technology and the borderline that they cross thus providing the craziest yet genius storylines. It's a an intriguing show and I absolutely freaking love it.

For those that missed the pilot, here it is. I hope you enjoy! I know I definitely did and will continue to follow as long as it's on.

I've turned to the Darkside....

I've officially adopted the Raiders as my second team. They're the underdog of this league. I could give two shits about how much you hate them and how stupid and retarded their fans are, but one thing I'll always give props to them about is their loyalty. Hate on. But if anything, I can understand what they go through as fans since I'm a Laker fan as well. Raider Nation, I'm on board with you guys. Chargers and the Raiders. LOL. That's a crazy combination but I could care less of what anyone thinks about me or if they question my fanhood. City loyalty and the popularity of hating the Raiders is so fucking childish. Ask yourself why you hate the Raiders? If you have a legitimate answer then I'll understand, but if you tell me just because, go jump off a bridge because you're nothing more than mere sheep.

I hate the Broncos with a passion because I was a Joe Montana guy as a kid and I hated John Elway. I hate Mike Shanahan and his avid support in chop blocking. That dude is cheap and I can't stand that S.O.B.

So it's official. I'm down with the Raider Nation even though I am a Charger fan. You can't tell me otherwise. If it bothers you, stick it up your ass, cuz I could give two shits what you think about it.

BTW, here's a Madden Highlight vid of my fantasy team drafted Raiders as I destroyed the Broncos last night. Brian Dawkins putting on the big hit to Ricky Williams and Marcus Trufant picking up the fumble to take it to the house. God I hate the Broncos. What a sweet way to make myself feel better after the loss yesterday.

Cromartie, you're overrated!

I know I know, we got screwed, but whatever. This right here is the real reality. Our pro bowl corner in Antonio Cromartie got shitted on all day by Brandon Marshall. His coverage skills on him were horrid. Pathetic at best.

Dude better step it up. Cromartie can have all the interceptions he wants, but dude cannot cover to save his life. Jammer > Cro when it comes to coverage. If you can't see that, then you're blind as a bat, don't know shit about football, or are just a Charger homer.

Cromartie needs to re-evaluate his coverage skills and work on it because his performance today is an F-.

Remember how Eddie Royal shitted on DeAngelo Hall on Monday Night last week? Brandon Marshall did that to Antonio Cromartie.


I hate the Broncos to death. Hell I hate them more than you guys hate the Raiders.

But this guy right here punked Antonio Cromartie and it wasn't even funny.

A prayer for those we remember...

Heavenly Father,

Let us pray for all those who lost their lives on the day of September 11, 2001. For all the mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, grandparents, cousins, and friends. Those who we didn't know. Let us pray for them that they are safely in your arms. Although it's been 7 years Lord, please remind them that they are all in our hearts. For those that gave their lives to save others. We pray for them Lord. We pray that you bring peace to the hearts of the families out there who are missing their loved ones. Father, we ask you, that in the 7th year anniversary of September 11th, that you humble our souls and our spirits, that we may give thanks and praise to the love you have given us and the love you haven given those who you have taken. We thank you for strengthening this country we live in and that we may continue to live in the righteous path you have set forth for us. For we do this in your son's most precious name.


If you down with the SD originators...

At these dancing clowns trying to jack move SK8MAFIA. PSSSH.

No love for you biters.

We've grown...

Went to church today with Rod, Lee, Deven, and Fall. We also hit up On Broadway last night for Fallon's 25th bday.

We were taking pictures and all that and I just found it interesting how much we've grown as people. As days go by, as do years, people grow wiser.

Just comparing the pictures from 4 years ago to last night, I could see how I have grown and how Fallon has grown. I still remember when she first turned 21. 

But you know what though, it's not about her and I, but it's about everyone else also. If you choose to grow wiser it's all a blessing of grace from God. 

Going to church today with Fall was pretty cool. We both were saved by God on different times for our own reasons. But I find it awesome that we both have found that closer relationship with God. Not very many people have that and it's super awesome that Fallon has that close relationship with God. She understands that it isn't a religion, it's a relationship.

Happy Birthday again Fall! Good times!

And NO! Nothing is going on between her and I. We're just good friends who have grown in our own ways. I just think that it's cool that we're still friends and we've experienced change between one another.

Happy Birthday Fallon!!!

To my good friend Fallon, Happy 25th Birthday!

Jeez I remember the first time I met you at Metro One. I was so sprung off of you. LOL. Next thing you know I find out your best friend's with Lee and then everything took off from there. Oh God, those were the days.

I ain't going to lie, I had a lot of fun trying to pursue you back then. Too bad things didn't work out but hey, we have a great friendship and we're both saved by Jesus now.

God Bless Fall! Hope you have a great one! See you later on tonight! Woot!

The year was 1997...

Fall 1997 that is. My junior year of high school. I can still remember how punk rock changed my life and I fell in love with Blink. Don't get me wrong, I was bumpin' them with their classic album Chesire Cat before Dude Ranch. Word to Carousel and M+M's. But "Dammit" was a revolutionary song for me. Gerry and I were rockin' Hurley before it blew up. Little did anyone know that they originated from Billabong. But the "Dammit" era brought me into my white boy phase when I was still finding myself as a teeny bopper. Only fitting that I went to Bonita at the time as well since all the other schools thought we were white washed kids. Oh well, who's jockin' our style now?

But I dedicate this song to those that rocked on with us. Here's to my dudes who went to Bonita that went through this phase. It was 91X for days back then. Old School Blink! Do the damn thang!

Now we up in the big leagues!

After two hard years of bowling and practice The Smokin' Bowls are officially in the Wednesday night league and representing to the fullest. Gabe and I have had this dream about finally bowling in the Wednesday night league at the base which is probably one of the most toughest leagues in the county. It's also a money league. We have the opportunity to take home close to $260 each at the end of the league which is in May if we can win up to 80 games this season. It's going to be a tough road and a great experience.

I'm really glad that we're finally in it. After 4 D-League type of leagues we're ready to move up and play with the Uncles and Aunties. Be on the lookout every Wednesday night at 32nd for The Smokin' Bowls! EXPLOSION!!!

Good evening mate!

I'm in the writing mood right now.

Can't really sleep and I spent most of my day taking naps and watching some movies. I watched a movie called Smart People today with Dennis Quaid, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Ellen Page. I have to admit, a very entertaining movie. I'm a very big fan of indie films and Miramax continues to stay on the right path of releasing good independent films.

The plot of the movie pretty much involves Dennis Quaid as some self serving Professor at a university who has a stick up his ass. He has a dysfunctional family: the eldest son goes to the same university he teaches at and is hooking up with an asian chick that's in the same board as him. Ellen Page is his daughter who's also self absorbed and is all about over-achieving. Then there's his free loading brother who comes along to make the family more dysfunctional then it already is.

The entire family is so caught up with their own personal issues that they live a life of unhappiness. Sarah Jessica Parker steps in as a doctor who was formally a student of Dennis Quaid and they end up hooking up. She pretty much helps him find himself and to redirect his life in doing things that make him happy. Coupled with some interesting dry comedy I absolutely loved the movie. It was hilarious. It also makes you think how people plan their lives so accordingly to their rules that they forget to be happy and live life for itself.

I definitely recommend it if you're into indie flicks with known actors.

See, I'm not that boring of a person...

Aiight, after laying in bed for most of the day watching tennis and high school football and drafting for my Niketalk SD Fantasy Football league, I decided to get some bowling practice in with my partner in crime Gabe. I get off my bummy ass at around 4:30pm and shower up and get g'd up from the feet up. Have a quick dinner with my mom and dad at the pad since my sister and bodizzl are still up in the bay.

As I'm rolling my bowling balls up to the truck Gabe calls me and tells that Kim's sister is going to be rolling with us. LOL. Funny, because just before leaving I was thinking it would be funny if Kim would have just randomly hung out with us to go bowling. I haven't seen her in a minute and I thought it would just be cool. But since it's her sister it'll do. She's married by the way so I had no intention of trying to holler so whatever.

We all meet up at Gabe and Ghale's and peace out to our home field. Admiral Robinson's. Yeah, you know it. Our bowling stomping ground and home court.

It just so happened that Gabe had his Jabbawockeez mask in the rider so I decided to be a fool and put it on since I was sitting shotty. Rolling on through the mile of cars in NC a bunch of peeps were all staring at me. There was this Filipino lady who was saw me at the stop light acting a fool and dancing in the ride with the mask on. I stopped and waived at her and gave her a thumbs up. She laughed and smiled back and gave me a thumbs up back. I'm such a joker.

We finally get to 32nd and we see our good friend Fredo, Fred's cousin, working. Dude's the homie from when I used to chill at E3 during those tailgating days but fuck that. We talk about selling our season tickets and just making loot. I guess we're both over the Chargers. Shit is tired son. We get our lanes and set up for practice. Of course when me and Gabe are bowling together for practice we always have to do something stupid to be attention whores.

So during the first game I caught Gabe simpin' out. Ghale asked him to tie her shoes and I told him I was going to take a picture of it and blog about it. So ha! Got you fucker!

I'm just playing. I ain't going to lie. If I was in love with a lady I'd probably simp out and do the same thing too. Chivalry is dead these days and you gotta commend the dudes who put their pride down for their lady. Respect.

The first two games get pretty competitive between me and Gabe and we decide on a bowl off for the third game. We put teams together and I get partnered up with Kim's sister Tina. She's cool. The eerie thing is she reminds me so much of Kim looks wise but she's got a spunkier personality. Weird yo. But I guess I was talking too much crap to her during the first two games so I probably came off as a jerk. Which probably explains why she kept referring to me as "guy." LOL.

Tina does her part and handles Ghale while Gabe pretty much man handles me. Dude, I swear I hit the pocket everytime and I get stuck with splits. How do you get 5 frames with splits? Heart wrenching. So me and Tina took the L. We all pack up and head back to Gabe and Ghale's before rolling out to my favorite spot. U-31 on Sundays for my favorite Reggae DJ crew in SD! Tribe of Kings Soundsystem!!!! Dudes always spin the dopest Roots Reggae and Lover's Rock. Love it!

Before rollin' out Gabe and I kill some time playing some Madden 09. I destroy him the first game with the Browns. Then we have a nail biter between the Niners and Bengals. Damn you Ocho Cinco! Dude just cannot be stopped. Of course I'm using the Niners because I'm a closet Niners fan from when I was a little kid. Pull off the game winning interception with Patrick Willis and seal the game. We get done playing and Ghale has already put her son Jeremy, to sleep. Unfortunately Rod and Lee couldn't roll with us. They should have rolled but it's all good.

Time for us to roll out. So we get there and right as we're rolling up some black dude gets thrown out for trying to start a fight inside. Kinda weird. I mean it's reggae music and it's suppose to be peaceful. Unfortunately there's always one idiot trying to trip. Oh well, that didn't ruin our fun. So after the commotion and the dude bounces, we head in for some drinks and good ass music.

I'm at the bar ordering my trademark drank, Corona and *secret*. Then out of nowhere I feel someone rubbing my back. I'm like WTF? I turn around and I see a dude. I give him the hardest stoneface ever but then he turns around and points to a group of girls and I see these ladies.

Fucking Gwen! I knew she was the one rubbing my back. Good one.

We all anti-up and get our drinks and just chill out. We all talk. Drink. People watch. While my weirdo ass is dancing by myself to the reggae. I dunno, there's just something about reggae that when it bumps I just start dancing and not give a fuck. Shit is mad ill to listen to and relax or just dance to. That's me though.

The night goes on and we all plan to bounce out. Gwen, Elle, and Emma head their separate ways as we do ours. We get back to Gabe's rider and I'm drunk like a fool so I decide to grab his Jabbawockeez mask again and ask him to take a picture of me smoking a cigarette with the mask on. I'm such a tool.

After that random act of foolery, we go on a mission to find Ghale a place to take a piss. We went like everywhere. From Walgreens to Shell to an Arco. They finally just end up going to some other spot to take a piss while I waited in the rider.

We head back down to The NC and try to see if we could still make it to In and Out. Unfortunately we didn't make it on time and we decide to just hit up the Denny's. I guess Denny's has this new late night rock menu promotion that they're doing. I can't believe I spent $12 dollars on one meal. I guess when you're faded you just don't care what you're wasting you're money on.

That probably explains why I don't go out much to drink and act a fool. ONLY ON SPECIAL OCCASSIONS and some holidays. We end up eating up and tiring ourselves out talking about how Gabe and Ghale met and also how some raunchy old auntie kept staring at me. Yuck! But yeah, good times. I had a lot of fun. Long and tiring but I actually had fun. As long as I galavant around the town on occasion I'll be good. I just get so over spots so quickly if I make going out consistent. It's not for me. I'm over that shit. I'll just chill and surround myself with good people. Here's to a laid back yet fun Sunday for Labor day weekend 08.

Peace God.