The year was 1997...

Fall 1997 that is. My junior year of high school. I can still remember how punk rock changed my life and I fell in love with Blink. Don't get me wrong, I was bumpin' them with their classic album Chesire Cat before Dude Ranch. Word to Carousel and M+M's. But "Dammit" was a revolutionary song for me. Gerry and I were rockin' Hurley before it blew up. Little did anyone know that they originated from Billabong. But the "Dammit" era brought me into my white boy phase when I was still finding myself as a teeny bopper. Only fitting that I went to Bonita at the time as well since all the other schools thought we were white washed kids. Oh well, who's jockin' our style now?

But I dedicate this song to those that rocked on with us. Here's to my dudes who went to Bonita that went through this phase. It was 91X for days back then. Old School Blink! Do the damn thang!