Cromartie, you're overrated!

I know I know, we got screwed, but whatever. This right here is the real reality. Our pro bowl corner in Antonio Cromartie got shitted on all day by Brandon Marshall. His coverage skills on him were horrid. Pathetic at best.

Dude better step it up. Cromartie can have all the interceptions he wants, but dude cannot cover to save his life. Jammer > Cro when it comes to coverage. If you can't see that, then you're blind as a bat, don't know shit about football, or are just a Charger homer.

Cromartie needs to re-evaluate his coverage skills and work on it because his performance today is an F-.

Remember how Eddie Royal shitted on DeAngelo Hall on Monday Night last week? Brandon Marshall did that to Antonio Cromartie.


I hate the Broncos to death. Hell I hate them more than you guys hate the Raiders.

But this guy right here punked Antonio Cromartie and it wasn't even funny.