A safe trip for my brother Bodizzl

So this morning my sister's boyfriend Bodhen left for his two month excursion of Asia. He won't be coming back until late November. I think it's pretty dope that he's taking a trip to Asia to just get away and travel for two months. There are times where I just want to get the heck out of San Diego for two months and just see what's out there instead of this same old city.

Don't get me wrong. I love San Diego. I love my family. I love my friends.  I love the weather. I'm just sick of the same old sh*t though. It's the same thing. I just need to get out and just experience different things. I dunno, maybe I'm just complaining. Whatever.

Anyhow, I'd just like to wish my brother a safe trip while he's out in Asia. I checked up on my sister this morning when I woke up, just after she dropped him off at the airport. I know she's going to have a tough time being without him since he's been living with us. I know DeeBee is going to miss him as well since he joins us whenever me and Bodhen are smoking a cigarette. Crazy ass dog. Haha. It's only going to be a full two months but I just want to make sure that my sister will be ok. She really loves him and I'm happy for her. I know he really loves her as well. I remember when he and I were just chillin out and talking and he was telling me that the only real thing that mattered to him was making sure that my sister was happy. He put his happiness second just to make my sister happy. I commend him for that and respect him for that, which is why I accept him like my blood as does the rest of my family. My parents treat him like he was their own son.

So to my niggs Bodhen, be safe out there brother. I'll keep an eye for my sister and Nigga Deebs while you're gone. See you in November Blood.