Small group, bigger picture...

Today is my first meeting with a small group for church. Gerry and I will be attending. My sister was supposed to go with us but she has to take Dee Bee to his weekly appointment. My sister's friend Wana is leading this small group. Pretty much, a small group is a weekly Bible study group that meets up and discusses the word and gives an opportunity for Christians to grow as better Christian individuals.

Gerry and I have been planning on doing this for quite some time. We've always talked about it and really could never find a small group through Horizon Christian Fellowship closer to our area. Although this small group belongs to The Rock church, we're still attending regardless if we go to a different church.

I'm not going to lie. I'm a little scared on meeting new people in regards to sharing my faith. I usually find comfort with people that I know, but yet I'm eager and scared at the same time in attending this small group today. This is the first step I make in growing as a Christian and hopefully in my goal to become a youth pastor in the future.