It's a wrap....vol. 1
2008 for me can only be described with two words: pain and resurrection. I started the year off terribly. I thought it was going to be my year. I thought it was going to be a year of change. I thought I was to start it off with a bang. It started off with a bang alright. A shot fired into the dark but hitting my heart as an unknowing bystander. I lost three very important people in my life this year. My Uncle Junior, whom I lived with most of my entire life and who played a role as a father figure to me. My Auntie Nancy, who was my Uncle Junior's wife. And, my Auntie Ine, who was my Uncle Fred's wife.
During my time of pain, I had no one to turn to. No one was there for me. Not even my friends. Not even the one who supposedly said she cared about me. Going through that experience I grew to have a cold heart. I grew in distancing myself from people. Spending many days and nights to myself. Hanging out with friends here and there, but mainly, just wanting and needing to be alone. I grew accustomed to people not being there for me. So I learned to be there for myself. It was either buck up or buck down. So I bucked up and manned up. Dealt with everything on my own.
I don't know if going through that has caused me to be listless or indifferent, but it's very hard for me to show any emotion anymore. Yeah, I mean, I can play the role. Understand the pain another person is going through, but I can no longer show any emotion as to where I can offer myself to be there for anyone. I really can't see myself being there for anyone. I'll listen to your problems. I'll hear you out. I'll pray for you. I'll pray with you. But deep down inside, it's just another day to me.
The spring and summer was whatever. A lot of days spent by myself. Some days spent skating the boardwalk with the homie Jason. But other than that, I was on that Los Lonely Boy tip. I didn't mind at all.
So sometime in September I decided to go back to church. To find my way back to God. I know that I walked away from him. I backslided. I was a saved Christian who turned away from God and sought some sort of strength. Sought some sort of niche. Tried to find some other alternative in trying to redefine myself. I didn't though. I didn't grow without God. Going back to God was the best decision I had ever made.
I began going consistently to church. Twice a day even. Horizon in the morning with Gerry. The Rock in the evening with my sister, just to accompany her. We eventually joined a small group and it was the best decision I have ever made in my life. This small group allowed me to surround myself with fellow Christians who were going through the same struggles that I was going through. Together, we are able to pick each other and strengthen one another and as we walk the narrow path for God. I am so happy that I am able to grow as a better Christian thanks to my group. I've learned to strengthen my prayers and pray more often. I've experienced my homeless ministry. The power of helping those who are least fortunate regardless of what their situation is so humbling and empowering. I feel so blessed to have the grace of God upon me.
I also fasted for the first time in my born again life. I fasted for one week during the week of prayer and fasting. During that experience I was able to understand the true power of prayer and sacrificing for God. It was such a powerful experience and I'm looking forward to doing it again this coming new year.
Closing out the year, I started off in pain, worked my way being alone and redefinition, and ending with resurrection. An older, wiser, and blessed child of God.
The experiences I have gone through this year has made me a stronger person. Only by the grace of God that through pain I was able to find my way back to him and become the man he has always intended for me to be. It was all part of his perfect plan. I've learned to be embrace pain and hardship. Because by embracing it and accepting, only then can you grow and become stronger. By trusting in God, only then will you grow.
As the final minute clicks of 2008 and 2009 is introduced. There's only one thing I can celebrate. Being thankful that for another year, I'm alive and that whatever my future holds, I am ready to do God's will.
Here's to 2009. Thank you Lord and I love you.

Almost at its end..
A lot of insight. A lot of thought. A lot of experience. A lot of growth.
Stay tuned.
This one should make up for a lot of time of missed in regards to writing.

How stupid of me...

Such absurdity, I freaking love it like hemorage mating games with a Heineken...

Week of Prayer and Fasting vol. 1...
Stepping outside of my comfort zone, I experienced the awesome power of prayer with my fellow brothers and sisters. I used to be so timid having to pray out loud amongst fellow Christians but now I feel that I've overcome that hurdle. Prayer is such an honor. To be able to speak to the Lord. Such a blessing it is. Please know, that all words you speak in prayer are heard by the Lord. Your words will not fall on deaf ears. Learn to have patience, and most assuredly, our Father will answer your prayers.
I should feel completely weak right now without having to eat anything solid. I can say that physically, I feel weak in the legs and lightheaded. But after praying tonight, I feel so rejuvenated with strength spiritually that it's getting me passed the physical trial that I'm currently experiencing.
I am very excited for the rest of this week. Tomorrow are the elections, so please be sure to vote. Please vote based on your values and not based on your party or heresay from what others may tell you. With the power of prayer, hopefully the way of the Lord will go as planned.
God Bless.

The Power of Prayer...
Proverbs 31
Sayings of King Lemuel
1 The sayings of King Lemuel—an oracle [a] his mother taught him:2 "O my son, O son of my womb,
O son of my vows, [b]3 do not spend your strength on women,
your vigor on those who ruin kings.4 "It is not for kings, O Lemuel—
not for kings to drink wine,
not for rulers to crave beer,5 lest they drink and forget what the law decrees,
and deprive all the oppressed of their rights.6 Give beer to those who are perishing,
wine to those who are in anguish;7 let them drink and forget their poverty
and remember their misery no more.8 "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.9 Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy."
Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character10 [c] A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.11 Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.12 She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.13 She selects wool and flax
and works with eager hands.14 She is like the merchant ships,
bringing her food from afar.15 She gets up while it is still dark;
she provides food for her family
and portions for her servant girls.16 She considers a field and buys it;
out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.17 She sets about her work vigorously;
her arms are strong for her tasks.18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
and her lamp does not go out at night.19 In her hand she holds the distaff
and grasps the spindle with her fingers.20 She opens her arms to the poor
and extends her hands to the needy.21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
for all of them are clothed in scarlet.22 She makes coverings for her bed;
she is clothed in fine linen and purple.23 Her husband is respected at the city gate,
where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.24 She makes linen garments and sells them,
and supplies the merchants with sashes.25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.26 She speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.27 She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:29 "Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all."30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.31 Give her the reward she has earned,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
Every Christian deserves a virtuous woman as well does a virtuous woman deserve a strong Christian man. They both are each others' backbone and must respect one another regardless. A woman must be treated with respect and should never be belittled nor mistreated. The virtuous woman works hard for herself, her family, and her man. For in return, the virtuous woman deserves the respect that she has earned for all her hard work.
Gerry and I really enjoyed the message that Pastor Mike spoke on. It lifted us both to believe that as Christian men, we have to keep doing what we're doing and living our life for the Lord. Granted there are times where we both have spoken about women and how we long to have a woman in our lives. But for us, we can't just settle down for any girl. As long as we continue on the right path, surely, the Lord will reward us with a virtuous woman who will compliment us and whom we will love and respect unconditionally.
Later on that evening after football and some of the ALCS game 7, I attended service with my sister at The Rock church. I made promise with my sister that I would be going to her church with her since she had got me an early birthday present.
Pastor Miles didn't speak at the service that night but his assistant pastor did. I have to admit, his message was very powerful at that. I already had experienced a great service earlier in the day, but hearing this guy's message at The Rock was just the icing on the cake. He spoke about Christians helping out other Christians. There's a point in our lives as Christians where we'll face issues or be tested alone. We're not strong enough to face things on our own regardless of how strong our faith is. We'll be broken and be brought down but it makes it easier to go through it knowing well that a fellow Christian is there to help pick us back up when we're knocked down.
At the end of the service, he asked all of us to bow our heads and for certain Christians to stand up with their heads still bowed and eyes closed when he asked us to stand up. We were put into certain categories. I was the Christian who was fired up for the Lord yet still held bitterness towards certain individuals. He asked those Christians who were categorized last to help pray for fellow Christians who had some sort of vice that was holding them back.
When I stood up, for a brief moment I had felt alone. My eyes were closed. My head was bowed. No one walked up to me to pray for me. So I continued to pray for myself at that moment. I prayed to God that he would remove this bitterness from me. I also prayed for those that were in the same situation as me as well. I felt my sister stand up next to me and put her hand on my shoulder and asked if I were alright. I nodded my head and I continued to pray. Out of nowhere, I felt a hand being placed on my back and another hand being placed on my shoulder. I heard a lady praying. I couldn't quite hear exactly what her prayer was but she was praying for me. I finished my prayer and focused on her and listened. She prayed for me for a good 5 minutes. I opened my eyes and looked to my left and saw this couple. I smiled and thanked them for their prayers.
For two complete strangers that I didn't even know, they prayed for me. They prayed for someone whom they didn't even know. Someone who was just sitting next to them at church. They prayed for me in my time of weakness and being broken. Although I prayed as well, feeling and hearing a prayer from a certain stranger strengthened me. The power of God was at work. The act of selflessness and caring. The love of God. The love of the weak who strengthens those who are in need. That right there, reassured me, that there is strength in prayer, even when we least expect it.
God bless!

Needs no introduction....
I cannot wait for this shirt to come in. I'm as excited as a bobcat sitting on the side of a mountain.

Fully Flared Finale....
Don't get me wrong, I've still got a regular deck that I still rock but I can't do jack with it. Anyhow, back to this awesome skate vid, Lakai is releasing a special edition of Lakai: Fully Flared on November 25th. It's called Lakai: Final Flare. It's a 3 disc dvd set that includes tons of extra sh*t that's quite a bonus to the awesome skate vid that Fully Flared is.
Aside from the awesome skating in the video by my hero since High School, Eric Koston, is the dopest intro directed by Spike Jonze. Sh*t is on hit kid and is awesome watching it on a widescreen HDtv. Sometimes I pop in the DVD just to watch the intro itself aside from Koston and Biebel's segments. Nonetheless, here's the youtube of the intro for Fully Flared. Enjoy!
Brandon Biebel's segement. Sh*t is on hit!
You know I couldn't leave out my dude Koston! Enjoy silly hoes!

Nike does it again.
IMO, this so far has been the greatest Nike Commercial next to Michael Mann's Nike Quick is Deadly commercial from last season. Great job for Nike on the marketing and creativity of this commercial. I absolutely loved it.

So ready to geek out for Fall 09...

Being the geek that I am and being a Halo fan, I am super pumped for this and cannot wait. I suppose NBA 2K9 and Gears of Wars 2 will will suffice until then. Funny thing is, I was never a big Halo fan until the little homie introduced me to it about a year or so ago. I on the other hand introduced him to Gears of War. Well, after all that's gone on I've truly become a huge Halo groupie, and I have to add, this time around, I really think I could take the little homie if I were ever to play him in Halo again. Nonetheless, I hope he's doing well and doing his thang. Well, my friends, I present to you, Halo 3: Recon.

I hate you Reggie Bush...

Obama to the Filipino Americans...

October 1, 2008
Dear Friends,
I appreciate the opportunity to join the Filipino American National Historical Society and its
friends in celebrating Filipino American History Month. This celebration is a wonderful opportunity to honor the values and traditions of Filipino Americans, and your role in the story of America.
America's greatness lies in our nation's ability to embrace and integrate different cultures
into our national character. Filipino Americans nurture and maintain important social, cultural and business ties between America and the Philippines. As you celebrate your Filipino heritage and your American identity, I hope you remain inspired to make our country as great as we know it can be.
The stories of Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders are very personal to me. I first became
acquainted with the diversity and richness of Asia and the AAPI community as a child growing up in Hawai'i and for a few years in Indonesia. Members of my family are of Asian descent and it is a community that I became a part of while living in Los Angeles, New York and Chicago.
Filipino Americans have participated in the triumphs and struggles along our road to a more
perfect union, from farm workers who helped found the United Farmworkers Union, to the soldiers who fought bravely in World War II, to the thousands of nurses who have saved and improved countless lives, Filipino Americans are an integral part of our country. That's why I support policies that will honor your sacrifices, like the Filipino Veterans Equity Act.
As President, I will work to ensure that you have access to affordable, accessible healthcare
that will also reduce the language and cultural barriers that limit access to our medical system. We will make sure the economy works for you by fixing our financial system, rebuilding public
education, and making sure that schools have the resources they need to educate all of our children, regardless of the languages they speak or their family's income. And we will provide a path to employment by creating a $4,000 annual college tax credit, a new Community College Partnership Program and new training opportunities for workers, and helping minority-owned small businesses.
Many Filipino families rely on family reunification policies to help them build better lives in
the United States. However, AAPI families have some of the longest immigration backlogs. That's why I've fought to improve and pass a comprehensive immigration bill. I introduced amendments to put greater emphasis on keeping immigrant families together and to revisit a controversial new points system that would dramatically alter U.S. immigration policy.
The Philippines and the United States have long enjoyed a special relationship, and I am
committed to building on our strong ties. We can create the changes we seek in America, but only if ordinary people rise up to demand change. Please accept my best wishes for a joyous celebration. I wish you all continued success and blessings in the years to come, and I thank you for your contributions to America.
Barack Obama
d-blurb vol. 1
We all do things just to pass the time.
But what do you do when time passes you?
Are you caught up in the spider web wondering what to do?
Here we are again.
Thinking of what's to come in the end.
Things aren't really what we all seem to think.
Life can change at the speed of a blink.
A life is lost.
A life is born.
Life can be held together,
Or it can all be torn.
Steadfast you need to stand.
Through the sunshine and the rain.
Happiness and sorrow.
Laughter and pain.
One person in life,
We all need to lead.
Live for the Lord our Father,
From the words of your brother.
Take Heed.
April 7, 2004...
Where can I start? Where should I begin? Maybe I should be straight to the point rather than add a lot of words to cover up the message. A lot of people out there are different. Yes, that's true. If you get any deeper, you will find yourself pulling your hair out unless you've already shaved it. Other than that you will find yourself smoking up a yos asking yourself the same exact question.
Let us begin with God. Everything peaceful is mostly related to our almighty Father. He/She created everything. All that is good. And most especially all that is evil. I know God is an existent presence in our everyday lives. Some of us look toward him for hope. Some of us look toward him for blessings. The majority of us, so it seems, don't even acknowledge his presence. I do apologize to the ladies though because I referred to God as a He. God can be a she as well. Anyhow, to the main point I was trying to make. We have to realize that their is a balanced force in this world. Good can go with no wrong. Bad cannot exist if there's no good. In order for us to survive as people we have to learn to control this balance. We can't always strive to be perfect people and live under the word. We are all susceptable to failure. Even as we are older. We're always in a learning process. Like the spokesman, Ace1 would say, "The higher I get, the lower I am." We achieve a high yet we are still low. A balance. We can never be better than the other. This is the battle we all fight within ourselves. A never ending battle. A battle that may well lead to our dying day. The answer always remains at the end. All in all, do the best you can with life with what you got. We'll find everything out in the end.
This blog right now that I am writing is inspired by a song that a dear friend gave me. A song that reminds me of the peaceful serenity of life and it's wicked counterpart. She asked me to bust to this, and I declined. But hear me out, for just this moment, my mind was thinking in rewind. Back to present, I sit and patiently await, what future beholds me in front of this new gate. I open it...and i realize, too much deep thinking often blinds what I have to handle and take care of. In all honesty, this is a culmination of mass thinking in my head. It's time to empty out the old and re-up on the new. I was scolded, and it was much appreciated, about writing certain things on this. This is an online journal right? Yes it is. I'm sorry I don't have those personal journals where I write my most secretive thoughts in. I gave that up a long time ago. I chose to stay real. What do I have to hide from? Criticism? Big deal, all criticism is constructive. People choose to read my thoughts because they want to know who I am. Well, you're getting to know alot about me by reading. I ain't going to hide anything. I do keep to myself, but there's no doubt in my mind that the shit in my head will be written on this xanga. So read and enjoy. Criticize, critique, do what you will. But this is me. Accept it like I accept ya'll.
I didin't start this blogging for attention. I started it becaue, well, it is my thoughts. Later on, I grew to discover that some people do have a unique way of finding you. Well, you found me, congratulations! Now you know what is up with me. If you don't, well you can back track to the past shit and catch up. I'm just as normal as anyone else. Even the most blessed man has some wickedness in his soul. If you're my friend you would understand. A lot of my friends don't know me to well. That's just the honest to God truth. No one knows me as good as me. And on the serious tip, I really don't know what I'm going to do next. Will I achieve and believe, or will I just flat out fail? But there is always a getting back up and continuing on.
My head is starting to hurt writing this. I'm going to stop right now...I'll continue on later...
"Did I blow your mind this time? No? Well, I guess you haven't heard me kick a freestyle yet."
- Dennis Galang


Happy Birthday Lola!
Happy Birthday. Sorry I wasn't at home to chat with you with the rest of the family on the webcam. But I just wanted you to know that I miss and love you very much. Happy Birthday Lola. Miss kita na men dito!
I hope you and Tatang are taking care back home on the motherland!
New Acey de Uno album dropping!!!

I love my job...

Seriously, don't vote...

Small group, bigger picture...
Gerry and I have been planning on doing this for quite some time. We've always talked about it and really could never find a small group through Horizon Christian Fellowship closer to our area. Although this small group belongs to The Rock church, we're still attending regardless if we go to a different church.
I'm not going to lie. I'm a little scared on meeting new people in regards to sharing my faith. I usually find comfort with people that I know, but yet I'm eager and scared at the same time in attending this small group today. This is the first step I make in growing as a Christian and hopefully in my goal to become a youth pastor in the future.

Celebrate who you really are...

This one is for my fellow Star Wars fans...

Tribute To Graffiti: 50 Beautiful Graffiti Artworks
read more | digg story
A safe trip for my brother Bodizzl
"...and like I said, the queen ain’t no bitch. She got all the moves."

My rookie of the year candidates....
After Fargas went down with the groin injury against the Chiefs, the McFadden era began. This savage had 21 touches with a 164 yards and a touchdown. As long as he gets more touches and that Raiders' o-line holds up. This kid will beast. The Nation has got to be pumped for this guy.
Next up, my dude from Cal. DeSean Jackson. Dude has had two consective weeks of 100+ yards receiving. He could have had his first NFL career touchdown against the Cowboys, but due to an early rookie move celebration, dude threw the ball before he crossed the plain and started his dance. Luckily his ass got saved and the refs put the ball on the 1 with an Eagles possession. This kid is amazingly fast and I'm really impressed with the amount of yards he's putting up in only two games. He's got tremendous upside as long as he just keeps his head on straight and doesn't do something idiotic with the premature celebration again. Word to his Army All-American Bowl game where he jumped way too early before the goal line putting the ball back on the one. Nonetheless, McNabb may have found his new favorite target. Word to that. I really regret not selecting DeSean in my fantasy league because dude is killin'.

Absolute Genius!!!
With the show starring Joshua Jackson, from Mighty Ducks and Dawson's Creek fame, I thought that this show would fail. But after watching the pilot and the second episode I am clearly blown away. The show mainly deals with a crazy plot with a devious company working in the background like Lost. But here's the catch, it's somewhat similar to X-Files but they deal with science and technology and the borderline that they cross thus providing the craziest yet genius storylines. It's a an intriguing show and I absolutely freaking love it.
For those that missed the pilot, here it is. I hope you enjoy! I know I definitely did and will continue to follow as long as it's on.
I've turned to the Darkside....
I hate the Broncos with a passion because I was a Joe Montana guy as a kid and I hated John Elway. I hate Mike Shanahan and his avid support in chop blocking. That dude is cheap and I can't stand that S.O.B.
So it's official. I'm down with the Raider Nation even though I am a Charger fan. You can't tell me otherwise. If it bothers you, stick it up your ass, cuz I could give two shits what you think about it.
BTW, here's a Madden Highlight vid of my fantasy team drafted Raiders as I destroyed the Broncos last night. Brian Dawkins putting on the big hit to Ricky Williams and Marcus Trufant picking up the fumble to take it to the house. God I hate the Broncos. What a sweet way to make myself feel better after the loss yesterday.

Cromartie, you're overrated!
Dude bette
I hate the Bronc
But this guy right
A prayer for those we remember...

If you down with the SD originators...

No love for you biters.

We've grown...

Happy Birthday Fallon!!!

The year was 1997...

Now we up in the big leagues!

Good evening mate!
Can't really sleep and I spent most of my day taking naps and watching some movies. I watched a movie called Smart People today with Dennis Quaid, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Ellen Page. I have to admit, a very entertaining movie. I'm a very big fan of indie films and Miramax continues to stay on the right path of releasing good independent films.
The entire family is so caught up with their own personal issues that they live a life of unhappiness. Sarah Jessica Parker steps in as a doctor who was formally a student of Dennis Quaid and they end up hooking up. She pretty much helps him find himself and to redirect his life in doing things that make him happy. Coupled with some interesting dry comedy I absolutely loved the movie. It was hilarious. It also makes you think how people plan their lives so accordingly to their rules that they forget to be happy and live life for itself.
I definitely recommend it if you're into indie flicks with known actors.

See, I'm not that boring of a person...
As I'm rolling my bowling balls up to the truck Gabe calls me and tells that Kim's sister is going to be rolling with us. LOL. Funny, because just before leaving I was thinking it would be funny if Kim would have just randomly hung out with us to go bowling. I haven't seen her in a minute and I thought it would just be cool. But since it's her sister it'll do. She's married by the way so I had no intention of trying to holler so whatever.
We all meet up at Gabe and Ghale's and peace out to our home field. Admiral Robinson's. Yeah, you know it. Our bowling stomping ground and home court.
We finally get to 32nd and we see our good friend Fredo, Fred's cousin, working. Dude's the homie from when I used to chill at E3 during those tailgating days but fuck that. We talk about selling our season tickets and just making loot. I guess we're both over the Chargers. Shit is tired son. We get our lanes and set up for practice. Of course when me and Gabe are bowling together for practice we always have to do something stupid to be attention whores.
The first two games get pretty competitive between me and Gabe and we decide on a bowl off for the third game. We put teams together and I get partnered up with Kim's sister Tina. She's cool. The eerie thing is she reminds me so much of Kim looks wise but she's got a spunkier personality. Weird yo. But I guess I was talking too much crap to her during the first two games so I probably came off as a jerk. Which probably explains why she kept referring to me as "guy." LOL.
Before rollin' out Gabe and I kill some time playing some Madden 09. I destroy him the first game with the Browns. Then we have a nail biter between the Niners and Bengals. Damn you Ocho Cinco! Dude just cannot be stopped. Of course I'm using the Niners because I'm a closet Niners fan from when I was a little kid. Pull off the game winning interception with Patrick Willis and seal the game. We get done playing and Ghale has already put her son Jeremy, to sleep. Unfortunately Rod and Lee couldn't roll with us. They should have rolled but it's all good.
Time for us to roll out. So we get there and right as we're rolling up some black dude gets thrown out for trying to start a fight inside. Kinda weird. I mean it's reggae music and it's suppose to be peaceful. Unfortunately there's always one idiot trying to trip. Oh well, that didn't ruin our fun. So after the commotion and the dude bounces, we head in for some drinks and good ass music.
I'm at the bar ordering my trademark drank, Corona and *secret*. Then out of nowhere I feel someone rubbing my back. I'm like WTF? I turn around and I see a dude. I give him the hardest stoneface ever but then he turns around and points to a group of girls and I see these ladies.
We all anti-up and get our drinks and just chill out. We all talk. Drink. People watch. While my weirdo ass is dancing by myself to the reggae. I dunno, there's just something about reggae that when it bumps I just start dancing and not give a fuck. Shit is mad ill to listen to and relax or just dance to. That's me though.
The night goes on and we all plan to bounce out. Gwen, Elle, and Emma head their separate ways as we do ours. We get back to Gabe's rider and I'm drunk like a fool so I decide to grab his Jabbawockeez mask again and ask him to take a picture of me smoking a cigarette with the mask on. I'm such a tool.
We head back down to The NC and try to see if we could still make it to In and Out. Unfortunately we didn't make it on time and we decide to just hit up the Denny's. I guess Denny's has this new late night rock menu promotion that they're doing. I can't believe I spent $12 dollars on one meal. I guess when you're faded you just don't care what you're wasting you're money on.
Peace God.
Desperate Fap Time

Geez finally...
Well, I woke up this morning and got to view the 3 videos that will get me by through class and work when I'm more bored than shit during this tough last quarter of the year.
Kellen James and the rest of the SK8MAFIA dudes are motherfucking ill. Especially with the vids showing them cutting up The Berrics. Unlike that faggot ass dance group super crew who completely ripped off SK8MAFIA for their gang sign. The Berrics is Eric Koston and Steve Berra's private skate park. That's pretty dope that SK8MAFIA is being featured on The Berrics. PROPS!
I'm pretty sure I'm going to be adding more videos such as some Maria Ozawa videos for those late night personal me-time jumpoffs.
So uncool...
I stayed home all day watching college football. Actually, I didn't stay home all day because I had an eye exam earlier this morning to get my new glasses. I'm going back to being that uncool nerd that I used to look like in high school. Glasses, comic books, anime, video games, skateboarding, hip hop, punk rock, and tall flag girls.
So here's some pictures from where I was laying in bed watching college football in HD. Shit is awesome when you got HD in your room.
I would have took pictures of the USC vs. Virginia game but I didn't realize that I was making a new blog and didn't dumb down to take a picture of a fucking college football game to post on my blog to show what I fucking did for the day.
Maybe I'll try and be hip and go to the poppin' spots tonight like Modus and U-31. Heard that shit is going to be on fire. Maybe I can be seen. Actually, it doesn't sound half bad to go peep out Dash Eye from Tribe of Kings spin. Dude always spins the dope ass Roots Reggae.

Here's to you!
Well, I started up this new blog just to talk shit and post pictures like how some of you new bloggers have bastardized the writing culture. All you guys do is fucking post pictures of what you did that day and show how fucking cool you are. So I figured, dude, why the fuck have I been writing in a blog for almost 5 years? Writing and reading isn't cool.
So, here's my trendoid tippy blog. I mean fuck, I have my OG one that I'll continue to write in.
But this one, is for you guys. To all you cool folk out there. To all you trendy people out there. Let's all brag together now!
This is my social experimentation for the fall. To see what it feels like to be a tippy.